We’ve All Been There: A Lighthearted Look at Board Game Pet Peeves

4 min readMar 11, 2024

Ah, board games. They're a haven for strategy, laughter, and the occasional friendly competition. But even in our happy board game bubble, sometimes things can go a little…off the rails. Don’t worry—we’ve all been there! Today, we’re taking a lighthearted look at some common board game pet peeves because, hey, a little self-awareness can go a long way in keeping the good times rolling.

Before we get started, Would You like to share your board game pet peeves (or confess to some of the ones we mentioned)? We’ve all been there!

Let us know in the comments below, and be sure to follow our page for more fun dives into the delightful world of board games! Every like and comment is like a warm fuzzy feeling (and a totally free way to support our board game obsession, ahem, we mean, our dedication to bringing you quality content).

1. The Crumbly Catastrophe (and Other Messy Mayhem):

We’ve all seen it — the rogue Cheeto threatening to engulf a carefully crafted Catan settlement or the rogue drip of condensation leaving a permanent ring on your precious player board. Listen, food and drink are essential for a good gaming session (brain fuel, anyone?), but let’s establish some ground rules. Invest in some coasters, folks! Maybe designate a snack zone at a safe distance from the game table. And remember, a little handwashing never hurt anyone, especially after that intense round of Wingspan, where everyone got super invested in their strategies as the game came to a close.

2. The Salty Siren (and Other Sore Losers):

Let’s face it: losing isn’t always fun. But here’s the thing: a gracious loser makes the victory all the sweeter (and keeps everyone wanting to play another round!). The salty remarks, the slammed meeples (dramatic!), the accusations of rigged dice, and the dramatic sighs— we’ve all witnessed (or maybe even been guilty of) these sore loser moments.

Remember, it’s just a game! Channel your inner zen master, congratulate the winner, and maybe suggest a lighter game next time to keep things chill.

3. The Phantom Player (a.k.a. The Phone Zombie):

We get it; the world outside the game keeps spinning. But that text message notification can wait! There’s a special kind of frustration that comes from waiting for your turn, only to see your opponent scrolling through Instagram instead of formulating their next move. Board games are about shared experiences, about the joy of strategizing and interacting face-to-face. Put those phones away, folks! Let’s focus on the epic battle unfolding on the game table, not the latest cat video.

4. The Backseat Strategist (and Other Newbie Navigation):

So, your friend is diving headfirst into the wonderful world of board games, eager to learn the ropes. That’s fantastic! But sometimes, the urge to unleash your inner strategist on a first-time player can backfire. Remember, everyone was a newbie once. Let new players discover the game themselves, offer gentle guidance when needed, and, most importantly, celebrate their “aha!” moments. The joy of learning a new game is a special experience, and it’s best savored organically.

5. The Überraschungsspiel (a.k.a. The Surprise Rulebook):

We’ve all been there — excitedly gathering around a new game, only to discover the explainer holding the rulebook with a sheepish grin: “Uh, I haven’t actually read the rules yet…” Look, bringing a new game to the table is awesome! But a little pre-game prep goes a long way. Take 10 minutes to skim the rules beforehand, or better yet, enlist a friend who has played it before to take the lead on explanation duties. Nobody wants to spend the first-hour deciphering cryptic rulebook language — let’s get to the fun part, stat!

The Bottom Line: Laughter, Not Lamentations

Board games are a fantastic way to connect with friends and family, create lasting memories, and unleash a little healthy competition. By acknowledging these lighthearted pet peeves and making a conscious effort to avoid them, we can ensure that every game night is a positive experience for everyone involved. So, grab your favorite game, gather your favorite people, and get ready for some laughter-filled fun!

That’s it for today. It’s been a while since my last post. Life gets in the way. I’m looking to add more content in the coming weeks. What do you prefer? Game Reviews? Social Commentary (boardgame adjacent)? Or something else entirely? Leave a comment below.





Written by BoardGameNerd

A board game enthusiast and author.

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