My Top Ten Board Games of 2022 (new to me games!)

6 min readDec 27, 2022

Glad to be with you all after a bit of a hiatus. I live in China and Covid restrictions were dropped recently. It seems the entire country has been sick for the last two weeks. Then there were the holidays. On top of that, I’m still helping test the Campaign Solo Mode for Life of the Amazonia, but I wanted to post this while I still had a few days left before the end of 2022.

This is a short and sweet Top Ten list of games I played for the first time in 2022. A couple of them aren’t that new, and a couple of them aren’t ones many of you have likely played (or even heard of!) but let’s take a look because these are the ones that had the best impressions on me of any “new to me game”. This doesn’t include unreleased games…otherwise, several other games would have easily made this list.

#10 One Card Dungeon

The Quest Begins!

A Dungeon Crawl played on a single card. A solo dice-placement dungeon crawl played through 12 increasingly difficult levels.

This game captures the old-school nostalgia of 8-bit gaming not just in theme and aesthetics, but in gameplay. For being a light and simple game each of its dungeons has a different feel and sometimes very different strategies.

#9 Ark Nova

The Zoo

Plan and build a modern, scientifically managed zoo to support conservation projects.

I’m not going to say too much about this one as it's been hyped to death. The reason it makes my list is that it exceeded my expectations. I actually went in thinking I wasn’t going to like it. It had been compared to Terraforming Mars which I’m not interested in but this one hits a little differently and as long as my opponents aren’t AP-prone I’m happy to give this one a play.

#8 LOOP: Life of Ordinary People

Don’t Get Caught in the LOOP!

Gain happiness while balancing material life and resource depletion.

You would be forgiven for not knowing about this one as it was sold through an indie KS campaign from a Hong Kong board game publisher. It’s a basic set collection game heavy on theme and social message. I really enjoy it and have been surprised as it’s been a big hit whenever I bring it to game day. LOOP asks us to be mindful of consumerism. Even though it’s here with us, we don’t need to allow it to dominate us. The art and message both feel very smart and trendy.

#7 Campaign Trail

Time for Politics…sort of

Campaign to score electoral votes as you vie for the Presidency of the United States.

Now, this is my kind of area control game. Thematically, I enjoy this much more than war-based area control games. In Campaign Trail, you have a number of choices every turn to help your political party on its mission to win the United States Electoral College AKA the American Presidential Election. The components and mechanisms are both well-incorporated. The game can be swingy, but it's unlike any other game in my collection.

#6 Hanamikoji

My Heart Belongs in Kyoto!

Win the favor of the geishas through careful speculation and bold moves.

I know, I know. This one is not new, but the first time I had gotten the chance to play it was recently when the Hanamokoji Geisha’s Road Kickstarter was fulfilled. This game is quick (usually), thinky, and light on rules. A classic two-player game that I like to bring with me when I’m writing stories at the coffee shop. I can take a break and play a game…or three with a friend.

#5 Final Girl

80s Slasher Flick Action!

You alone must survive and defeat the horror movie killer.

Another solo game that combines thematic gameplay with a highly thematic presentation. Final Girl will appeal to Solo games that enjoy multiplayer games like Nemesis. You will usually lose this game, but the thrill of victory creates some special — almost cinematic moments.

#4 Endless Winter: Paleoamericans

Survive in an Endless Winter!

Settle new lands, grow your population, and build megaliths- in an endless winter.

This one has been played the most of any of my non-filler games in recent months. I’ve started adding elements from the many expansion modules and the game seems to get better and better. This one is a sort of evergreen game that every collection would be well-off to have.

#3 Carnegie

Build an Industrial Empire!

Become the most influential entrepreneur and benefactor of your era!

This is a very tasty economic euro game that I helped playtest a while back. A game that on the surface seems like it would be samey just feels good each time I play it. The quality of the board game and components is top notch and the thinky decision spaces lead to a lot of “level up” moments as tactics and strategy begin to sink in.

#2 War Room

Command the War Room!

The global conflict of WW2 — Manage troops, resources, and orders to win!

The game I wish I could get to the table more often but it’s a table hog, takes all day to play, requires quite the teach, and is best at higher player counts. With all of those caveats, it still shines and I really wish I could play it more. I tend to have no interest in dice-chucking war games but War Room is the real deal. The group decision-making is really fantastic.

#1 Etherfields

Can You Solve the Riddles of the Etherfields?

Discover a series of unique Dreams through tense exploration and tactical encounters.

This has been my first big campaign game and the experience is something I look forward to every week. I am getting close to the end of the core campaign with a friend of mine and it really delivers. I love the clever escape room missions, the amazing miniatures, the deckbuilding/hand management, and the amazing art!
I am so much looking forward to what else awaits me in future campaigns.

Well, those are my Top Ten for 2022! Please let me know some of your top “new to you” games for this year in the comments.

Remember to follow BoardGameNerd if you like written board game content like this or any of my previous articles. Enjoy your holidays!




Written by BoardGameNerd

A board game enthusiast and author.

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